Tejada Gómez, María Alejandra, MSc.
Research and innovation governance at university environments in transition in Latin-America: The cases of Colombia and Perú
Science and Technology Policy Department (STePS), Faculty of Management and Governance, University of Twente, [email protected]
Supervisor(s): Professor Stefan Kuhlmann and Dr. G. Ordóñez-Matamoros
Candidate Doctoral Program Governance of Knowledge and Innovation, Twente University, Netherland (2014 – 2018); Ms.C. Information Science Carlos III University (2011-2013), Master thesis title: An approach university research management. Case of Studio in selections american institutions; and B.S. in Business Management (1997 – 2003). Professional with over ten years of progressive experience in diverse roles: administrative, management, consulting, research, journalism and teaching.
How does university governance and management respond to increasing social and political demands (demands for responsiveness and excellence from science and technology policies; pressures from global ranking systems; increased global competition for talented students, teachers, researchers; etc.) and scarce funding sources, to improve the quality of knowledge and innovation produced and to effectively contribute to local needs in developing countries?”.
As a consequence of these dynamics, new organizational arrangements and funding models are emerging to better face competition and sustainability that deserve further study. In particular, I would like to investigate the models of internationalization of research and teaching in higher education institutions in Latin America; the ways globalization affects research universities and research outcomes; the new models of collaboration, mobilization, joint programs, student exchanges, international cooperation, etc. Each of these developments generates processes, strategies, alliances, negotiations, institutions which are having impacts on research and innovation governance not yet clearly seen and that have been generated in recent years.
The methodologicasl model are a qualitative and quantitative models to analize at institutional levels spheres. Assessment tools of science and technology such as scientometric indicators, accreditation, rankings or certification systems of quality or peer systems, prizes, etc. have great credibility and validity among the directors or guarantors of science in developing countries. These challenges have led to large organizational transformations of universities in Latin America, and it would be interesting to study the role of units such as the Vice-rectors for research, or of the research management officers from the perspective of strategic planning, policies, processes, information systems, contractual and legal structure, business models, innovation, and marketing plans, all this via comparative analysis, and benchmarking to identify best practices and outcomes in developing countries
Education policy analysis archives journal https://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/
International Journal of innovation https://www.journaliji.org/index.php/iji
Antioquia University, evaluation research projects, 2011.
Latina American Studies Association LASA council member section on Scholarly Research Resources
Scholarly and professional publications
Science and technology policy in Colombia: A comparative review, María Alejandra Tejada-Gómez, Juan Santiago Correa-Restrepo, Edgardo Cayón-Fallon (in process to publish).
Master Thesis. An approach university research management. Case of Studio in selections american institutions. Carlos III de Madrid University, June 2013.
Use of the h index to rank scientific Latin American journals: Colombia a case study. Mauricio Romero-Torres, Alberto Acosta, María Alejandra Tejada. 2013. Revista Española de Documentación Científica 36(1), enero-marzo 2013, e003 ISSN-L:0210-0614. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.3989/redc.2013.1.876
Trends or dissents. The future of the Colombian Scientific Journals, Revista Asociación de editoriales Universitarias ASEUC, June 2012.
35 articles in management, business, public sector and politics in Dinero Magazine, 2006 – 2007.
Course pack for Project Management and Policy and Simulation Enterprise, 2005.
Book Chapter “Competitiveness in fragmented sectors such as crafts in Bogotá and Cundinamarca, Colombia”. Avances en investigación economica y contable. (Press Medellín University: 2004) 179 – 192.
Thesis for Bachelor’s degree “Evaluation of associative capacities and organizational learning in migration communities, Altos de Cazuca – Case CEDEPAZ – Soacha – Bogotá”, 2003.
McKinsey Business Plan, “Frigorífico del Llano” Villavicencio – Colombia, 2001.
Speaker at a conference in Institution as Tunja University, Santander Industry University, EAFIT, Medellin University, Fair of Book in Bogotá Colombia, Red Alyc –Toluca México-, Journal conference in Ecuador, Scienciometric case of Study Colombia in Latin American Study Association in San Francisco USA.