Jacqueline Ashkin
FluidKnowledge: A Multi-Scale Ethnography of How Evaluation Shapes Ocean Science
Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University, [email protected]
Supervisor: Prof. Sarah de Rijcke
I completed my M.A. in Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews, Scotland in 2018, where my thesis examined environmental relationships and perceptions in the Peruvian Andes. Before I joined FluidKnowledge and the CWTS at Leiden University, the Netherlands, I was involved in collaborative interdisciplinary research on small apes at the Primatology Research & Conservation Lab and the School of Social Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.
Summary PhD Project
I will be exploring the relationship between evaluation practices and knowledge production in the marine sciences, largely through an ethnographic lens but with intention to incorporate mixed methods and varied forms of data. This research is part of the European Research Council project FluidKnowledge, which will examine epistemic cultures in marine institutions across the European Union. Find out more here: https://www.cwts.nl/projects/current-projects/fluidknowledge