Anastasia Stoli
Public participation by other means? Informal practices to engage with matters of collective concern in nondemocratic settings – Subproject #4: Extricating participation
Department Health, Ethics and Society, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Maastricht, [email protected]
Supervisors: Professor Klasien Horstman, Dr Olga Zvonareva
- Bachelor of Science in History and Philosophy of Sciences, Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, National University of Athens, 2011-2016
- Master of Arts in Society, Science and Technology
(Title of Specialization: Enabling and Disabling Dimensions of Technological Change), European Inter-University Association on Society, Science and Technology (ESST), 2019 - Master of Science in Science, Technology, Society—Science and Technology Studies
Departments of History and Philosophy of Sciences & Informatics and Telecommunications, National University of Athens, 2018-2019 - Master of Science in History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology
Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, National University of Athens, 2018-2020
MA thesis (STS): “Picturing Big Data: an STS-based Approach”
MA thesis (PHST): “Women in Academia and the Glass Ceiling: the Greek Case”
Summary PhD Project
My subproject (subproject #4, in the wild, global) focuses on the ways public participation is produced in the practices employed by DIY technology developers to create medicines globally and outside state-regulated spaces. This project uses Four Thieves Vinegar Collective (FTVC), a volunteer network of anarchists and hackers developing do-it-yourself (DIY) medical technologies, as the core case study. The goal of this subproject is to gain an understanding of how informal and formal means interact and are configured in the process of such bottom-up initiatives.