WTMC News & Events
PhD Research
Jill van der Kamp
Supervisors: L. Krabbenborg & dr. A. F. de Winter
The good care relationship in long term care, ethical tensions and burdens
Marjolijn Heerings, 14 October 2022, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Sophie van der Does
Inter- and transdisciplinary research and education in practice
Marije Miedema
Rethinking the future of a common Personal Digital Archive through…
Jasper van Dijk
Organising knowledge and learning for the regional energy transition
Vera Kools
Enabling participation of all European stakeholders in the digital energy market
Martijn van der Meer
Safeguarding a healthy future: Dutch preventive child health intervention between politics and practice, 1901-2020
Efe Cengiz
Worlding Zeytinlikler: Knowledge infrastructures and multispecies futures of Aegean olive orchards
Lenn Gorissen
Transition Pathways Technology-4-Ecology-based farming
Joost Kuijper
Struggle of regions for smart (re)specialization. Tensions in the innovation system in East Netherlands
WTMC Writeshop 14 October, 2024
WTMC writeshop with Jarno Hoekman
WTMC Summer School “Epistemic inequities”
with anchor teacher Sharon Traweek